Based on the study of the historiographic heritage of modern Polish researchers, the work proves the importance of the Polish-Ukrainian dialogue in the study of not only history related to both countries, but also topics that are exclusively related to Ukraine. This demonstrates the solidarity of the western neighbors to the historical legacy. The multi-perspective study of society contributes to the positive development of modern historiographical science, as it functions in the conditions of freedom of scientific research. An important aspect is the integration of scientific thought, which contributes to a holistic perception of the problem from various points of view. In order to overcome the traumatic past and create a dynamic democratic society, today we pay attention to precisely these aspects. The article focuses on various topics, especially the study of the mentality of Soviet society, the influence of ideas on the further perception of reality. Here the separation of Ukrainian from Soviet is demonstrated. Based on the characteristics of the Ukrainian mentality, it has been proven that it differs from the Russian one, so the latter accused him of Russophobic intentions, which was completely untrue. Even on the contrary. Researchers emphasize the lack of implementation of one's own internal policy in the Ukrainian SSR, even in a limited, Soviet version. They compare it to former pro-Soviet Poland, which had more opportunities than its eastern neighbor. Scientists strive to combine micro and macro studies. And their Soviet studies are devoted to the totalitarian language, which remained a difficult legacy from the times of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.They studied the role of dissidents and intellectuals in their downfall. Scientists devoted their research to the problems of pedagogical education and its staffing. But they were supposed to contribute to the development of the younger generation, to keep up with the demands of the times, and not to join ideological postulates that cluttered consciousness and prevented critical thinking and testing new ideas in education.
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