The views of V. Lypyns’kyj, as the representative of the conservative direction of the Ukrainian social and political thought, he set out in his letters to his contemporaries of the 1920s have been outlined. His conceptual patterns and thoughts as to the genetic association of the state and the nation, the role of the aristocracy in the development of the independent Ukrainian state, the essence of the «labor monarchy», the content of the «classication theory», the role of the party, national idea and Christianity in the processes of the Ukrainian state have been considered.It is indicated that maintenance of letters of V. Lypyns’kyj exposes the creative laboratory of explorer of Ukrainian creation of the state, certifies the depth of his ideas in many spheres of scientific cognition - philosophy, history, political science, sociology, культурології, religious studies, psychology, to ethics and other Problem of ways of development of Ukrainian nation at the inheritance of scientist closely constrained with the problem of priority of decision of questions of cultural and national and state building. Acquisition of theory of the state and right is enriched by his conception of the independent unitary state in form a parliamentary labour monarchy at the head with a hetman. Interesting are ideas of political scientist on the synthesis of the authoritarian political mode and institutes of democracy, legal state, парламентаризму and others like that. Елітократична conception of V. Lypyns’kyj will nurse from confession elites and her leaders рушієм, by the determinative of process of Ukrainian creation of the state in the counterbalance of conception of mass democratic participation, that was propagandized by of that time leaders. The justice of claims of thinker confirms motion of civilization development of humanity, when, after a liquid exception, modern nations were able to become firmly established and become stronger due to their forming on the base of certain culture within the limits of the national states. Because of it само a concept «natio» became indissolubly connected with a concept the «state». At the same time for maintenance of own identity and originality of the Ukrainian people extraordinarily important is maintenance defence and distribution of Ukrainian and culture.
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