In modern Ukrainian historical science, its individual branches are gaining more and more development. In particular, such a direction of historical science as urban studies is actively developing today. Thanks to new approaches to the study of our history, which modern Ukrainian historians have been actively implementing in recent decades, we are gradually moving away from the awareness of our history as the history of an enslaved people, the history of enslaved peasants. Ukrainian history is also the history of the nobility, the history of free inhabitants of cities and towns who valued their freedom and knew how to defend it. The traditions of city self-government on our territory were formed during the period of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth. And after the incorporation of Right Bank Ukraine into the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century. in the conditions of the formation of a new administrative-territorial system and its management, these traditions were destroyed, which could not but cause the indignation of the local population with its subsequent active actions. The peculiarity of our region was that here, with the presence of a small number of large cities, such types of urban settlements as towns prevailed - an intermediate link between cities and villages, settlements that often combined the characteristics of both. In the new realities, the population of small towns, including privately owned ones, began to lose their rights, which had been acquired in the privileges of the Polish kings, and were recognized as fortified. Of course, this caused dissatisfaction among the townspeople, which turned into real riots. In the first half of the 19th century A series of such riots swept through the Volyn province. Among others, the performance of the burghers of Kamen-Kashirsky, who fought for their freedom for several decades, was also indicative. The State Archive of the Volyn region has materials that reflect the details of this struggle. In this research, we have made an attempt based on the analysis of one of the archival cases, where all the materials related to the disobedience of the Kamin-Kashir burghers to their owner, Count Krasytskyi, have been collected, to show the characteristic features and main stages of this long struggle.
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