Keywords: Ivan Korsak, historical novel, historical memory, national identity, Ukraine, biography, research.


The proposed article analyzes the formation and correction of historical memory in the novels of Ivan Fedosiyovych Korsak, Volyn novelist, publicist, journalist. Korsak was interesting to me as a person. He was a self-made man who was able to work toward a result and was successful. When considerable difficulties arose, he knew how to overcome them. And most importantly, he was a person whose activity was constructive. The changes that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union fundamentally changed not only the geopolitical situation in Europe and the world, but also led to a change in emphasis in approaches to understanding and studying the historical past. At the same time, in the early 90s of the 20th century, the issues of studying the national history, the formation of a common collective memory, and the construction of new schemes of national identity, became particularly relevant on the agenda of the newly formed Ukraine. Being the author of two dozen historical novels, I. Korsak undertakes the research of little-known facts of Ukrainian history, life values and the fate of prominent public and cultural figures, becoming one of the modern Ukrainian novelists who, together with historians and publicists, took on an important and, at the same time, composed work - the formation of national historical memory and identity through literature, bringing to the general public the historical facts silenced during the Soviet period, revealing significant events of national history, developing biographical studies as a direction of scientific research.


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3. Корсак І. Запізніле кохання Миклухо-Маклая. Київ : Ярославів Вал, 2016. 232 с.
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How to Cite
Strilchuk, L. (2022). HISTORICAL MEMORY IN IVAN KORSAK’S WORKS. Litopys Volyni, 41-45. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.spec.08