Keywords: Ivan Korsak, ethos, creativity, M. Maklukho-Maclay, historical novel «Late Love of Miklouho-Maclay».


The author considers the work of the writer Ivan Korsak, in particular, his novel «The Late Love of Miklouho-Maclay». The figure of M. Maklukho-Maclay impresses with a broad outlook, fidelity to scientific research, purposefulness and humanism. It was he who discovered a new ethos overseas peoples for Europe, raised the question of preserving their civilization, opposed brutal colonization. The desire of the hero of the novel to mentally master any corner of the world is traced. A new ethos of Papuan tribes for Europe is shown. The content and practical realization of Miklouho-Maclay's public service as a certain system of values, worldviews and moral attitudes, which he realized through the daily practices of his travels and the study of other peoples, is revealed. World ancient tribes are defended, using all their reserves: identity, culture. Together with Ivan Korsak, we see how history has set a trap for the community of indigenous peoples who are disappearing from the face of the earth - the anthropological paradigm of the formation of the ideology of globalization. The work clearly traces the patriotism of the writer himself, who managed to portray and convey such an image of an outstanding scientist and traveler that Ukrainians should be proud and promote the works of M. Miklouho-Maclay. It is important that the place of science in culture and history, its features during different historical epochs remain constant objects of philosophical comprehension and interpretation. The author of the novel dwelled in detail on the scientific research of the scientist. The methodology of work consists of such intellectual approaches as system-structural, interdisciplinary and comparative methods. The conclusions emphasize the importance of the creative work of the Volyn writer. His ability to convincingly describe the historical epoch: there is a successful combination of professionalism and talent of the writer. Readers observe how, on the one hand, a new history of knowledge of other peoples of New Guinea, Oceania, etc. was being created, and on the other hand, their history was coming to an end, which was destroyed with the arrival of «white» people. As an exception - Miklouho- Maclay, who drew attention to the problems of lost civilizations.


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How to Cite
Skakalska, I. (2022). A NEW ETHOS FOR EUROPE: MIKLUKHO-MACLAY (REFLECTIONS ON THE WORK OF IVAN KORSAK). Litopys Volyni, 37-40. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.spec.07