Keywords: comparative analysis, political parties, local government, Volyn Regional Council, mass media, public relations


This article analyzes the activities of ten political parties («Sluha narodu» (Servant of the People), «Za Maybutnye»(For the Future), «Yevropeysʹka Solidarnistʹ»(European Solidarity), «Syla i Chestʹ» (Strength and Honor), VO «Svoboda» (Freedom), VO «Batkivshchyna» (Motherland), «Hromadyansʹka pozytsiya» (Civic Position), «Ob’yednannya «Samopomich» (Association« Self-Help »), the Agrarian Party of Ukraine, the Civic Movement« Conscious ») in the Volyn region during 2019-2021. These parties were selected based on the criterion of having a faction in the Volyn Regional Council or one of the city councils of regional cities of Volyn region after the local elections in 2020, which means a sufficient level of support for these parties. As a result of the comparative analysis, it was established that the key forms of their activity were meetings with voters, greetings, reports on the achievements of affiliated deputies and officials, political statements, and internal party events. There was also interaction with the media in various forms to cover the work of both the party and individual leaders. There was a strong connection between the branches of political parties and their factions in the Volyn Regional Council and city councils of the main cities, as well as with the mayors elected from the respective political parties. Thus, the achievements of deputies and mayors were partially equated to the merits of the party. This trend was also observed in the activities of the state authorities in the Volyn region and the Servant of the People party. In the inter-election period, there was a general decline in the activity of the surveyed branches of political parties, especially campaigning and activities that require significant funding in general. Exceptions to this pattern were political conflicts and crises at both the national and local levels, when the need to defend certain positions and interests forced the branches of political parties or their leaders to become more active. As a result of the research, practical recommendations for increasing the stability and institutional capacity of political parties in the Volyn region were formulated. These are ensuring stable state funding for political parties that have gained enough votes in the elections, as well as proper control over their spending. Ethical standards for local political parties also need to be improved. They include the refusal to hand over presents during meetings with voters, restrictions on the participation of political parties leaders with party symbols in the ceremonies connected to budget investments. In addition, restrictions on the affiliation of civil servants and local government officials with political parties should be tightened.


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How to Cite
Buhaichuk, A. (2022). SPECIFICS OF POLITICAL PARTY BRANCHES’ ACTIVITIES IN VOLYN REGION IN THE INTERELECTION PERIOD. Litopys Volyni, (26), 245-252. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2022.26.40
Political science