Various vectors of scientific activity of the Ukrainian medievalist professor, doctor of historical sciences L. Berkut (1879–1940) constantly intertwined throughout his life. The scientist’s scientific preferences guided the further development of his research studios. The history of early Christianity and the Western Church became the sphere of scientific preferences of L. Berkut, even during his studies at Kiev University of St. Vladimir, as well as teaching at Warsaw University. In his scientific studios devoted to the history of the medieval church, L. Berkut focused on the role of the church in the political and legal system of medieval society. The development process of social components, the creation of political constituencies in European states depended largely on the relationship between the state and the church, the Ukrainian researcher logically noted these facts. However, the relationship was not linear or simple, very often, there was a rivalry or conflict of interests between the two branches of power – secular and spiritual, which manifested itself in the form of a crisis, sometimes even acute, although at that time this confrontation didn’t acquire such mutual antagonism that arose in England in the 16th century. The article is devoted to the problems of confrontation between the church and the royal power in England at the end of the 11th and at the beginning of the 12th centuries, as well as the analysis of church-political views, the group of authors supporting King’s side, in the midst of a dispute between Henry and Beauclair and Anselm of Canterbury, using the example of the characteristics of an anonymous author and his publicistic work “The York Treatises”. The article was analyzed the monograph by L. Berkut, that was dedicated to this particular topic – “The York Treatises as a source for characterizing English church-political ideas in the era of the concordat of 1107.
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