Keywords: eparchy, bishop, parish, monastery, cathedral, clergy, archpriest


Based on scientific works and source material of the State Archives of Transcarpathian region, we made an attempt to describe the administrative structure of Máramaros Orthodox Eparchy in Máramaros County. The article illustrates the main stages in the structural development and formation of the ecclesiastical unit in 1690–1740. The council of archpriests was the main governing body of the eparchy. The latter, in fact, performed the main task in the life of the eparchy, ensuring the election of episcopate, considered pastoral and parish issues, in general, performed the role of both legislative and executive bodies. Evaluation of the researched material suggests that the council of archpriests was a key form of the relationship between the clergy, the monks and the episcopate of the eparchy. Thus, the basic principle of the eparchy was the principle of catholicity (unity). The aim of the article is to analyse the study of the institution, etymology, structure, rights and tasks of the council, as the main administrative and leading component of the eparchy. The administrative structure of the eparchy consisted of a system of archdioceses, parishes, monasteries and sketes (small monasteries). Due to historical circumstances, the situational centers or settlements of the eparchy in different periods were the monasteries in the villages: Vilkhivtsi, Dragovo, Imstychevo, Krychevo and Uglia. It was in these monasteries that the councils of archpriests were held, making decisions that influenced the structure and development of the eparchy. The eparchy was governed by a bishop elected by the clergy. However, the decisions of the council were approved by the secular authorities – the royal Transylvanian government. The latter undoubtedly had an influence on the resolutions and decisions of the council, but in practice did not interfere in the activities and administration of the eparchy. After analyzing the source material, the author concludes that politically, for the Protestant government in the Máramaros County, it was more profitable to support the Orthodox episcopate than Mukachevo Greek Catholic clergy, who were closer to Roman Catholicism. Having analysed the sources, the author reveals the common and different in the administrative structures of two counter-centers – Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy and Máramaros Orthodox Eparchy.


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History of Ukraine