

The article is devoted to the coverage of the conditions of functioning, features of the issue and content of the Ukrainianlanguage periodical "Ukraiinska Nyva", published in Lutsk during 1928–1936. It was found that the editorial office of "Ukraiinska Nyva"had been moved to Lutsk from Warsaw according to the plan of the author of the Volhynia Experiment, Henryk Józewski. It is shown that since 1931 it has actually become the press body of the pro-government Volhynia Ukrainian Organization, created on the basis of the Pevny group, which gathered around the "Ukraiinska Nyva". The editors and journalists of the newspaper are personalized. It was noted that Petro Pevnyi and Oleksandr Kovalevsky were the editors in turn, and the biographies of these figures were traced. Among the authors mentioned P. Kryzhanivsky, M. Telezhinsky, S. Tymoshenko. It is stated that the authors of the posts often signed with pseudonyms, kryptonyms and initials Tlo, Teddy, Kislytsia, Vox, Z., etc. It is established that the pseudonym Tlo and Teddy belonged to Theodore Lovetsky. The topics that were most often raised in the publication are identified. It was revealed that these were mainly coverage of VUO activities and promotion of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in Volyn, important world political news and analysis of the political situation in Europe, science and technology news, information on new agricultural technologies, agricultural market conditions, publication of Ukrainian literary works, songs, reproductions of paintings, local lore, theatrical reviews.It was found that the editorial board of „Ukraiinska Nyva” had an active dialogue with its readers, and the publication of letters from readers-contributors took up a lot of space in the weekly’s columns. The process of covering the Holodomor tragedy by the weekly was noted separately. Various technical details of the magazine are shown. At the end of the article, the author encourages scientists to study and promote the materials of "Ukrainska Nyva".


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How to Cite
Stepaniuk, S. (2022). JOURNAL "UKRAINSKA NYVA" IN LUTSK (1928–1936). Litopys Volyni, (26), 42-48.
History of Volyn