The article analyzes the legal, institutional and financial-economic mechanisms aspect of Ukraine agrarian policy through the economic policy and the components of public energy policy. It is determined a complex mechanism for the agricultural policy formation and implementation has been developed in Ukraine, which expressed in the relevant legal acts of priorities agricultural policy. At the same time, it was found the current redaction basic laws need correction in the increasing their effectiveness direction, by fixation along with priorities, funding, in the form of a percentage of the public budget or GDP, as well as transparent and simplified mechanisms for allocating that funds. It is also determined the public agricultural policy institutional structure implementation, although available but, in our opinion, needs to be improved both at the central level - by bringing it into line with economic policy and local. Especially since much of agricultural policy units functions implementation at the regional level is a duplicate of the Ministry of Agriculture Policy in the aspects of documents processing of government agricultural programs participants. An additional argument for such consolidation is the successful experience of implementing Program 5-7-9, which implemented without reference to a particular sector of the economy, but despite this plays a dominant role in public financial and credit support for agricultural entrepreneurship. Special attention should be paid to the realization of opportunities to solve energy problems at the expense of the available raw materials in the agricultural sector, which, with more efficient policy, would make it possible to reduce energy resources import dependence. Based on the approaches of the European Union and the United States in the field of production and use of biofuels stimulating, it is appropriate to use adapted experience, such as setting specific requirements for the use of biofuels at a certain percentage of total diesel consumption, tax incentives and more.
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