Keywords: training, military medicine, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, creation


With the proclamation, on August 24, 1991, of the Act of Independence of Ukraine “On the establishment of an independent Ukrainian state – Ukraine”. Immediately, the issue of creating its own armed forces arises and the next step of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is its Resolution “On Military Formations in Ukraine” which reflects the establishment of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This marked the beginning of the training of its own military specialists for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At that time, there were already some military educational institutions in our country, but there was no educational institution that would train military doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article highlights a brief historical and retrospective review of the formation of military medical education and a comprehensive mechanism for training officers, including senior military medical personnel in Ukraine. The historical analysis of training of military doctors on the territory of Ukraine from 1991 to 2020 is carried out, the processes of the organization of training of military doctors in independent Ukraine are covered. Based on a retrospective analysis of the creation and development of military medical education in Ukraine, the dynamics of changes in the training of military medics for the State Defense Forces is traced. The article presents the stages of formation of military medical education and the creation of appropriate educational institutions for their preparation. The formation of the national system of medical education and science in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is reflected. The way of creation and dynamics of development of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy from the Military Medical Department are reflected. The only higher military educational institution for the training and retraining of military doctors in 14 specialties. The orientation of the military complex of Ukraine on interoperability with the requirements of NATO countries and the implementation of defense reform in Ukraine encourages the introduction of new educational programs in the preparation of a new formation of both servicemen and military medical professionals.


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How to Cite
Furdyk, V. (2021). HISTORICAL AND RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF TRAINING OF MILITARY MEDICINE LEADERS IN UKRAINE. Litopys Volyni, (25), 143-147. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.25.24
Public administration