The article substantiates the importance of studying the political dimension of state security in the economic sphere based on the fundamental transformations in the economic and political spheres of society, which require a study of the interaction between politics and economics; globalization processes in both spheres, which actualizes the construction of a strategy to ensure the economic security of Ukraine; increasing the number and scale of threats at the national and global levels. The approaches of scientists devoted to ensuring the economic security of the state and the related political mechanisms and levers are considered, the vector of the scientific problem is revealed, which is rarely considered in direct formulation and deserves the expediency of a comprehensive study. The author highlights the essence of economic security of the state and determines that security is an abstraction and does not exist in itself. Security is not a purely economic category, but includes social, political, ethical and other aspects. In the economic sphere of state security, there are three types: security in the economy, security from the economy and security for the economy. Awareness of the nature and demarcation of these species is an important basis for establishing effective interaction between public authorities and economic security of the state. The article substantiates that the inseparability of the connection between economic security of the state and politics through a simplified mechanism of "official - entrepreneur" relationship highlights the need to use non-economic methods and tools that, on the one hand, prevent and / or weaken internal market negative features. On the other, they protect the market sphere based on market relations from those capable of distorting its challenges and threats. Taking into account the specifics and purpose of political mechanisms, the directions of institutionalization and scientific and technical nature are proposed, which will contribute to the improvement of the system of economic security.
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