• Lyudmila Strilchuk
Keywords: USA, Iraq, foreign policy, international relations, state information policy, military campaign, mass media, propaganda


One of the characteristic features of modern international relations is the struggle to expand the spheres of influence of the most politically and economically powerful states. A powerful means of expanding spheres of influence is to establish control over the information environment of a rival or competing state. The conduct of military campaigns in Iraq by the combined forces of the United States and coalition states between 1991 and 2011 demonstrated the importance of the information policy of the international community in resolving armed conflicts and moving to non-armed means to resolve them. The study of US public information policy during the aforementioned military campaign is extremely important because it allows: first to study the experience of the United States of America, which, today, has the most powerful apparatus of information warfare; secondly, to trace the process of improving the political and legal framework and methods of implementation in practice of state information policy; third, to monitor the implementation of information policy during the hostilities in Iraq. In addition, the article aims to analyze the advocacy of all stages of the military campaign in Iraq. The objects, subjects, directions, forms and means of realization of the state information policy of the USA are revealed and the basic tendencies of its realization are characterized. The media play an important role in the implementation of information and propaganda campaigns. Given the importance of the modern security system of Ukraine, especially in the context of Russian military aggression, the study of means and methods of external information intervention in the internal affairs of countries seems particularly relevant. That is why in the proposed scientific intelligence we will analyze the practical implementation of US information policy during the military campaign in Iraq.


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How to Cite
Strilchuk, L. (2021). US INFORMATION POLICY DURING THE MILITARY CAMPAIGN IN IRAQ 1991–2011. Litopys Volyni, (25), 109-113.
World history