The article states that the main results of the events that took place in Azerbaijan on the eve of the collapse of the USSR brought our people closer to the restoration of state independence. Revision of every step and event on the way to the restoration of the state independence of Azerbaijan, the creation of appropriate conclusions is of great political importance in terms of determining the prospects for building a democratic state based on the rule of law. The article examines some of the forgotten or little-studied issues of the tragedy of January 20, one of the most influential and tragic events of the last stage on the way to the restoration of the state independence of Azerbaijan, and draw some conclusions. It is argued that the cause and organizer of the tragedy was Moscow, which deprived the leadership of Azerbaijan of any freedom of movement and decision-making. It was especially important for our intelligentsia to raise their voices and sharply criticize the position of the republic and the union leadership in order to expose the excuses and empty words of Moscow in connection with the tragedy of January 20. There is no justification for the shedding of the blood of the Azerbaijani people, an innocent people who have always been known for their national and moral values, but at the same time respected the values of other peoples and did not allow national and religious conflicts and clashes. with other peoples. The bloody massacre of peaceful demonstrators on the night of January 19-20 also left behind the atrocities and crimes committed by the German Nazis against civilians during World War II. Thus, the massacres carried out by order of the leaders of the Soviet empire did not shake the people's determination to fight. Contrary to expectations, dissatisfaction with the Soviet regime began to grow in the republic and beyond. Another lesson of events was that, as in the spring of 1918, the only way to save the people from such and such troubles was to achieve the restoration of state independence.
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