• Viktoriia Prokopchuk
Keywords: Polish-Ukrainian conflict, «third force», memories, partisans, World War II, national liberation movement


The article attempts to show the Polish-Ukrainian conflict of 1939-1945 through the prism of the presence of the USSR and the Third Reich as the «third factor» of this interethnic confrontation. The aim of the article is to reveal the vision of the Polish-Ukrainian conflict by Soviet partisan leaders in their memoirs and to trace in these memoirs the German- Soviet influence on the escalation of the confrontation between Poles and Ukrainians in 1939-1945. The memoirs of Soviet partisan leaders S. Rudnev, D. Medvedev, A. Brynsky, I. Starinov, V. Wojciechowicz, and G. Yakymenko were analyzed as sources for studying the problems of Polish-Ukrainian relations during the Second World War. Using a critical method, the Soviet guerrilla leadership interprets the enmity between Poles and Ukrainians. It shows how the above-mentioned memoirs reflect the German and Soviet presence in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict of 1939-1945. Aspects of the activities of the Soviet partisan aimed at intensifying the confrontation between Poles and Ukrainians are highlighted. It is shown that both the Soviet and German sides were interested in the escalation of interethnic enmity between Poles and Ukrainians. On the basis of the memoirs, the positions of the Soviet partisan leadership on the activities of the Ukrainian national liberation movement during the Second World War are highlighted. The views of modern Ukrainian scholars on the presence of a «third factor» in the Polish-Ukrainian confrontation in 1939-1945 are briefly described. Based on the information provided in the memoirs, the intelligence activities of the Soviet partisan in Ukraine are traced. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the systematic processing of the memoirs of Soviet guerrilla leaders in order to identify the facts that indicate the intervention of the USSR and the Third Reich in the Polish-Ukrainian confrontation during World War II. Prospects for further research outlined in the article are identified.


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How to Cite
Prokopchuk, V. (2021). POLISH-UKRAINIAN CONFLICT IN THE INTERPRETATION OF SOVIET PARTISAN LEADERS. Litopys Volyni, (25), 48-53. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.25.08
History of Ukraine