Based on the studied sources and literature, the author examines the formation and activities of the Soviet and nationalist intelligence network in the Kamin-Kashyrskyi district after its liberation from German occupation. The author analyzes the methods of recruiting agents, informants and spies by the Soviet law enforcement agencies of the NKVD (MVD) and NKDB (MGB) and the OUN Security Service. And also attention is paid to the sources of formation of the agency network. In the article, the author focuses on the use of current and former insurgents by the Soviet punitive authorities for intelligence purposes, analyzes the methods of the Soviet secret services regarding the compromising of the leadership of the national liberation movement. Indirectly, the author touches on the problem of involving in Soviet special groups representatives of the so-called "wild groups" and the criminal element to fight members of the underground. The process of underground use of members of fighter groups and battalions for intelligence purposes against the Soviet security forces was traced. The role of the local population in the intelligence and intelligence activities of the nationalist underground is analyzed. In addition, the question of agents and informants of the underground in the Soviet administrative (including the rural party nomenklatura) and educational structures is raised. The focus is on the main areas of work of the intelligence network of opposing parties and its effectiveness. There are negative trends in the agency and its impact on the psychological state of the local population, which was at the epicenter of the conflict between the two opposing forces and was forced to balance between them.
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