The article analyzes the historical interaction of the subjects of legislative initiative with public authorities and judicial government in Ukraine, on the basis of which a certain formula for such interaction is determined. In particular, it is determined that on the one hand the legislature determines the legal basis for the organization and functioning of the judiciary, in particular, the judiciary, and on the other – that the judiciary has an influence on the legislative process of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Such influence is now manifested in the provision by the High Council of Justice of advisory opinions on draft laws on the establishment, reorganization or liquidation of courts, the judiciary and the status of judges. It is noted that the subjects of the legislative initiative are directly involved in the formation of the High Council of Justice. The article notes that, among other things, the High Council of Justice submits applications for the appointment of a judge, and the importance of such authority is demonstrated through the presentation of statistical results of the body’s decision-making activities on this issue. In terms of studying the historical experience of regulating the interaction of legislative initiatives with public authorities and judicial government in Ukraine, it is noted that before the establishment of the High Council of Justice, the High Council of Justice had the authority to apply for the appointment of a judge. It is also noted that the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine does not have direct forms of interaction with the subjects of the legislative initiative. According to the results of the study of the historical aspect of the interaction of the subjects of the legislative initiative with the state authorities and judicial government in Ukraine, an attempt was made to distinguish three historical stages of its development, based on changes in legal regulation of this question.
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