• Olena Dmytrenko
Keywords: non-governmental sector, coalition capacity, monitoring of public procurement, institutionalization, Dozorro community


The study examines coalition capacity as an integral part of the third sector. Today, Ukrainian realities show that uniting NGOs around a common goal and working together is more effective than disparate activities in the same direction. At present, it is difficult to fully assess the level of development of the coalition capacity of the NGO sector and the effectiveness of such associations, primarily due to the lack of a system for recording or disclosing such information. In this study, we try to examine the impact of coalition on the sector’s performance of its core functions on the example of one of the existing coalitions of non-governmental organizations – the public procurement monitoring community – “DoZorro”. The obtained results make it possible to identify the development of coalitions as one of the signs of the institutional capacity of the sector and the organizational capacity of a particular organization. The relevance of this study is that today the issue of coalition among NGOs is not fully explored, and therefore it is difficult not only to predict the fate of the third sector but also to assess the current stage of its development. The purpose of this article is to select tools that will explore the issues of coalition building among non-governmental organizations and periodically monitor the progress made in this area. The theoretical basis of this study is the institutional approach as well as general scientific research methods. The empirical basis of the study was open data sets, information and telecommunication systems (data warehouses) and information that is automatically recorded on the “DoZorro” community portal based on the results of the work of organizations on public monitoring of public procurement. The results of this study will be useful not only in academia, but can be used as an element of practical solutions in NGOs to promote the coalition, which is especially relevant for newly established organizations.


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How to Cite
Dmytrenko, O. (2021). COALITIONAL CAPACITY OF THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL SECTOR IN UKRAINE. Litopys Volyni, (24), 201-206.
Political science