• Yurii Kramar
Keywords: Polish state, Polissya Voivodeship, state policy, national issues, assimilation


The article analyses Programmes of State Policy on National Issues, which were implemented by Polish governments in the terrytory of Polissya Voivodship in the interwar period (1921–1939). It is shown the specific of the region at the angle of view of the national structure of its inhabitants. It is paid attention that more than 75% of the voivodship population were the representatives of the Slavonic minorities – such as Belarussians, Ukrainians, Russians, etc. and so called “Touches” (local). The latest ethnic group was the most numerous (700 hundred thousand out of more than 1.1 million inhabitants) and they didn’t have a distinct national identity. That gave the basis for Polish power to implement the policy directed on the quick polonization of the region population with all available means for this purpose. During the 1920–1930-th years, several government policy programmes in Polissya were processed, the main purpose of which was the strengthening of Polish statehood in the north-eastern lands and their prompt integration to the political and socio-economic system of the Republic of Poland. In the interwar period, these programs were implemented by the Polissya governors S. Dovnarovich, Y. Kragelsky, V. Kostek-Bernatsky. The main policy means of national-state assimilation in Polissya in 1920–1930-th years were: expanding the scope of using the Polish language in all spheres of life with the simultaneous restriction of using the Ukrainian and Belarussian languages; prohibition of Ukrainian, Belarussian, Russian public, cultural, religious, cooperative organizations and societies; closure of schools with national teaching languages; gradual polonization of the Orthodox Church by introducing the Polish language to internal life; neutralization of the Ukrainian and Belarussian influences of the movements in Polissya, which were considered exclusively in the categories of anti-state. It’s necessary to note that during the interwar twenty years, none of the state programmes proposed by the Polish governments to solve the national issue didn’t lead to the settlement of interethnic relations in the eastern lands, and somewhere they exacerbated the situation. Later on the eve and during the Second World War it caused to the dramatic events in the Western Ukrainian and Western Belarussian lands.


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How to Cite
Kramar, Y. (2021). POLISSYA PROVINCE IN THE CONCEPTIONS OF NATIONAL POLICY OF POLISH GOVERNMENTS IN THE PERIOD OF INTERWAR POLAND. Litopys Volyni, (24), 159-164. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.24.25
World history