The work carried out by the Baku branch on the full provision of the city with drinking water can be said to have remained outside the scope of research. The works carried out in order to satisfy the need for drinking water in the city of Baku are mentioned in articles and books, and in the few records even a step-by-step solution to this problem is reflected in detail. However, for some reason, the decision on this issue, that is, technical calculations and recommendations, after the appeal of the mayor’s office to the management of the department within its structure, are not reflected in any literature. One of the directions of activity of the Baku branch was the problems associated with various works on the issues of urban economy and improvement of Baku. This activity was based on working relations with the local authorities of the department, their sufficiently formed scientific and technical working potential and the appeal of the city mayor’s office to solve various problems. Such activities and relationships contributed to the solution of many problems of the Baku city economy and, along with the fact that they had a great economic effect, helped to solve many issues related to the population and its social and everyday problems. Relations between the department, the Baku City Hall and the heads of the city economy on the problem of supplying drinking water to the city began in the 80’s of the XIX century. It should be noted that the issues of drinking water supply in Baku were in the focus of attention of the Baku branch and repeatedly became the topic of discussion. However, the limited possibilities of the city budget and the preference for solving the problem at the expense of the city’s population itself and other reasons contributed to the fact that none of the specific projects was implemented, and the work performed remained at the level of the department’s proposals and recommendations. At the same time, enough work has been done to improve and develop the city.
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