• Sergіy Pidshibyakin
  • Yuriy Poltavets
Keywords: Minsk agreements, Ukraine, hybrid war, socio-political discourse, national security


The article considers the preconditions for signing the Minsk agreements and determines their significance for the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the context of the analysis of public and political thought. It is emphasized that in Ukraine (media, political parties, public organizations, political elite, intelligentsia) evaluate the results of the signed Minsk agreements differently, but there is a noticeable tendency to criticize their main provisions. It is noted that if the circles close to the former President of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko) try to convince the public of the effectiveness of the agreements and emphasize their importance for political stability and national security, opposition forces are increasingly accusing the authorities of indecision in the negotiation process. Ukrainian reflections on the Minsk agreements and the reaction in Ukraine to the legislative regulation of the status of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (ORDLO) have been identified. It was stated that the legislative regulation of the special status of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (ORDLO) since 2014 has been the subject of active and partly heated internal Ukrainian discussions both, first of all, in the political sector during the adoption of relevant laws and resolutions. and expert environment. It is noted that if in 2014 – 2015 the disputes revolved around the potential threat of further destruction of Ukraine's territorial integrity by introducing into the Constitution a special status of the Donbass part occupied by Russia, then on the one hand it was a criticism of the authorities in delaying recognition of Russia as an aggressor and indecision in the foreign policy arena, and on the other – in the fear of political opponents of the president that the head of state, using the factor of Donbass, will significantly expand and strengthen its powers in the run-up to the 2019 presidential election.


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How to Cite
Pidshibyakin, S., & Poltavets, Y. (2021). MINSK AGREEMENTS IN UKRAINIAN SOCIO-POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Litopys Volyni, (24), 118-125. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.24.20
History of Ukraine