• Natalia Zaika
  • Lesya Gladun
Keywords: Pereyaslav, Reserve, museum, exhibition projects “The Unification of Ukraine”, the Revolution of Dignity, patriotic events, war, artifacts


Ukrainian processes of struggle for independence in the period from 1920 to the beginning of the XXI century are gaining a new momentum. The events of 2013 and 2014 challenged the post-Soviet system, significantly changing Ukrainian society, its cultural, spiritual, and political values. Against the background of these historical events, the idea of the Unity of Ukraine has become key. The actualization of the question of unification is quite clearly traced in the messages of politicians, scientists, analysts, in the activities of scientific and educational institutions. That is why the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve “Pereyaslav” initiated a number of national and patriotic events. In the article, the authors on the basis of exhibition projects of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve “Pereyaslav” highlight the role of Pereyaslav in the state-building processes of modern history of Ukraine. The opening of the annual exhibitions was timed to coincide with the Day of the Unification of Ukraine. The exhibitions were held within the reserve and other institutions of the city of Pereyaslav during 2015–2021. The structure of the exhibitions was built in accordance with the principles of historical accuracy and chronological sequence of stages of the struggle for independence and unity of the state: Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921, Revolution of Dignity 2013–2014, Russian-Ukrainian war in eastern Ukraine. Territorially, most of the exhibition narratives are related to Pereyaslav – documents from the funds of the Reserve of the Ukrainian People's Revolution of 1917–1921, which are supplemented by authentic things of participants in the revolutionary events of the early XXI century. and materials from the war zone in eastern Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the problems of combining exhibition and other forms of educational activities of the Reserve, through the principles of historical authenticity and chronological sequence. In general, the authors present and generalize that such a project has a positive resonance in society and, today in conditions of war, is especially relevant. It is emphasized that the ideology of exhibition projects is a cornerstone in the formation of European identity, and therefore is important for Ukraine’s integration into Europe.


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How to Cite
Zaika, N., & Gladun, L. (2021). EXHIBITION PROJECTS FOR THE UNIFICATION DAY OF UKRAINE OF THE NATIONAL HISTORICAL AND ETHNOGRAPHIC RESERVE “PEREYASLAV”. Litopys Volyni, (24), 88-92. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.24.14
History of Ukraine