• Victoria Butenko
Keywords: historical and cultural monument, park-monument of landscape gardening art, excursion and tourist activities, historical mission


The article examines the historical and cultural park attraction in the system of excursion and tourist activities on the example of the modern Vinnytsia region. The issues of strengthening the significance of historical and cultural heritage are actualized on the example of parks-monuments of gardening art in modern cultural and building processes of Ukraine, the study of the history of monuments, their use in excursion activities. The article reveals scientific approaches to key concept “historical and cultural monument”, “park-monument of garden and park art”, “excursion and tourist activities”, “historical mission”, which are comprehended in the context of the strategic prospects of the Vinnytsia region, the exceptional context is noted in excursion and tourist activities. Based on the research of Ukrainian scientists, an interdisciplinary approach to the subject of research, the defining mission of historical figures, events, and monuments of architecture in the formation of the modern functional of excursion and tourist services is comprehended. The author defines scientific approaches to understanding the historical and cultural monument as a source of information, focuses on the issues of professional environmental management, which in turn enhances the significance of the historical event in the excursion and tourist service. In the article, based on factual material, modern excursion and tourist practices are revealed, the basis of which is a historical event, a figure, an architectural monument. The historical significance of the activities of the Potocki family for excursion and tourist activities in the city of Nemyriv, the Caves, the patronage of Nadezhda Filaretivna Von Meck in the city of Brailiv, the historical and educational phenomenon of the Cossack movement in Podillya, which is also an object of historical tourism has been revealed and proved.


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How to Cite
Butenko, V. (2021). HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PARK MONUMENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF EXCURSION AND TOURIST ACTIVITY OF MODERN VINNITSA REGION. Litopys Volyni, (24), 69-72. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2021.24.11
History of Ukraine