Public policy has become increasingly important in covering complex and ambiguous issues in the country’s history with Ukraine’s independence. A special role in the formation of national consciousness was played not only by politicians but also by representatives of religious communities. The Roman Catholic Church played an important role in the creation of socio-political thought of various nationalities living in Volyn region during the World War Second. In particular, it is worth emphasizing the activities of the clergy and laity of the Church in the period 1939–1945 in Volyn. By joint efforts, we managed to preserve the self-identification of ethnic groups living in the region, which later formed the cultural diversity of society. The purpose of the study is to highlight certain aspects of the development of socio-religious life in Volyn, based on the activities of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church during the World War Second. The publication presents an analysis of the contribution of Volyn Roman Catholic clergy, which is based on these works by Vladislav Bukovynsky and Jan Rutkovski. In particular, the importance of the work is to cover the described events on the basis of archival materials and eyewitness accounts. The position of the Roman Catholic clergy of Lutsk during the World War Second is especially emphasized and attention is paid to the actions committed against religious representatives and civilians. Significant scientific interest in relation to the research topic is caused by its insufficient coverage in domestic historiography. Instead, foreign researchers have published a number of works related to Bukovynsky’s activity. It is also noted that the issues related to Jan Rutkovski have not been studied at all in Ukrainian and foreign historiography. Given the great interest of historians and scholars in the chosen topic, a large number of falsifications and stereotypes, which are not confirmed in authoritative sources, there is a need to cover this issue as widely as possible.
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