• Sofiia Stepaniuk
Keywords: Republic of Poland, protection of monuments, custodian of monuments, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Register of National Heritage Values, State Register of Monuments, Municipal Register of Monuments. National Heritage Institute


The article offers an analysis of the legislation on the protection and preservation of monuments and an overview of the main state monument protection institutions in Poland. The Law “On Protection and Preservation of Monuments” of July 23, 2003 and its subsequent amendments were analyzed. State registers of cultural heritage sites, methods of including monuments in the registers and the effectiveness of the latter are considered. It was found that the main and most effective form of protection is an entry in the Register of Monuments (immovable, movable or archaeological), which is made on the basis of an administrative decision of the voivodship custodian of monuments. The evolution and mechanism of action of the institute of the General Keeper of Monuments and Voivodeship Keepers of Monuments are shown. It is established that the main activity for the protection and preservation of monuments is entrusted to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Namely, its General Keeper of Monuments, the Department of Monument Protection and the Department of Cultural Heritage. The functions of the Department of Monument Protection are disclosed, including: development of a national program for the protection and preservation of monuments and control of its implementation; coordination and control over the activities of voivodship custodians of monuments; providing subsidies for conservation and restoration or construction work on historic buildings; financing of archeological research at the expense of the Ministry; checking the status of preservation of monuments; processing applications for awards for archaeological finds; conducting advertising and educational activities for the protection of monuments and care for monuments; maintaining the Register of National Heritage Treasures and the National Register of Intangible Heritage. It has been established that the Department of Cultural Heritage takes care of movable and intangible cultural heritage sites. Its activities include activities related to the management of museums and museum exhibits, as well as the maintenance of national monuments abroad and the implementation of permanent commemorations in places of national memory. It is noted that the National Heritage Research Institute provides expert support and professional assistance to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in updating and publishing registers of monuments, support in forming the Minister’s views and a number of other tasks.


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How to Cite
Stepaniuk, S. (2021). POLISH EXPERIENCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF MONUMENT PROTECTION. Litopys Volyni, (23), 165-170. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2020.23.29
Public administration