The current stage of governance of society and the state is complex, ambiguous, in addition, is and is at the stage of serious changes in Ukrainian society in all spheres of public life. It requires new approaches to modernization of management, understanding of historically deep, most important, crucial problems of management and what is the role of managerial culture in this strategic work. Ways of development and structural changes in governance at all levels also affected public administration, which should gradually be transformed into a more open one in dialogue with civil society and become public. The outlined changes and transformations determine and promote the processes of effective approach to the problems of research of history and modern directions of formation, development, comprehension of managerial culture. This process is mostly related to the real life of society, the state, government agencies, civil society institutions, effective social cooperation between the state and civil society, and so on. In fact, the formation of the constituent features and qualities of managerial culture, its place and role in public (public) management largely depended on these factors. We realize that a manager who begins to perform managerial work already has some established qualities of management culture. Its formation, and further development, formation and establishment takes place in various sociocultural circumstances, social environment, in relations with their colleagues, management, society in general. In addition, modern processes of forming a management culture are both organized and spontaneous. In fact, the professional activity and work of a public manager largely depend on these circumstances. We understand managerial culture as a sociopolitical and public-administrative phenomenon, even more, it, in the process of its historical formation and development was structured into a self-sufficient public institution, which has an impact on management policy by the state, society, various groups, local communities and etc. This article is devoted to such complex issues of history and modern prospects of formation and effectiveness of management culture in public administration.
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