• Liliia Krynychko
  • Vladyslav Savitskyi
  • Andrii Vatanov
  • Volodymyr Tsependa
Keywords: audit, state regulation, control, state functions, audit history


The statistic has analyzed the theoretical understanding of scientific knowledge for economic specialties. It has been clarified the nutrition of the evolution of the audit as a professional and state-run performance, as well as to be updated from the position of the identification of the authorities, which were manifested in the general stage of development of the suspension. An analysis of the day-to-day stage of the development of audit performance in the light was carried out, so that it was ordered on the day-to-day of one person’s decisions before the audit was regulated. The skin of the country is going to develop the state of affairs before the instructive safety of the regulation of the audit will be established and the specific measures will be established until the validity of the audit firm. It is respected that the main characteristic of the current audit is the establishment of the audit firm to the personnel potential. We saw three fundamental stages of development of audit in the context of theories and theories. It has been reported that the economic development, which characterizes the same period of suspension development, has begun the main audit meta and the methodological provisions have begun. The auditor’s rounds are overwhelming as the type of financial control is taking place in ancient hours. The first to show control power can be seen in the lands of the ancient world of India, Egypt, Babylon, China. It has been clarified that the history of the audit as an economic phenomenon is found in the future. The elements of control were stashed in Old Babylon, about 5,000 years ago, clay tablets were installed, which represented the auditor’s approval of the sound. It is characterized that the current audit camp is characterized by a singing camp of socially-economically in the form of state-owned activity in the rural lands. Studying the current state of development of auditing and the activities of audit firms in the world, first of all it is worth emphasizing the tendency to unify the process of regulating auditing and auditing.


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How to Cite
Krynychko, L., Savitskyi, V., Vatanov, A., & Tsependa, V. (2021). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF AUDIT AS AN EXECUTION OF THE CONTROL FUNCTION OF THE STATE. Litopys Volyni, (23), 128-137. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2020.23.23
Public administration