• Bohdan Hrebeniuk
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption, corruption violations, Corruption Perception Index


The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the Corruption Perception Index. The difficulty of studying corruption as a phenomenon in society lies in the fact that it is deeply latent. It is impossible to study corruption on the basis of statistics alone: firstly, official statistics do not fully reflect the true state of affairs; secondly, such data will characterize first of all the quality of work of law enforcement agencies or the media to identify facts of corruption; thirdly, statistics give us an idea not of corruption, but of corruption crime, and these concepts are not identical. The article explains that researchers’ attempts to create a universal methodology based on mathematical calculations are difficult to implement. This is explained by the fact that corruption manifestations, firstly, cannot be reliably measured; secondly, they have quantitative (state and dynamics) and qualitative (structure and nature) characteristics, and it is impossible to translate these qualitative characteristics into digital expression. The Corruption Perception Index has a certain margin of error due to the fact that it is based on a survey of people, even reputable and experienced ones. People try to be objective, but in reality this is a difficult task for them. The article concludes that today it is necessary to state the fact that, unfortunately, there are no sources of information about corruption that would satisfy the requirement of inter-country comparability. The Corruption Perception Index cannot be used as an absolutely accurate analysis and comparison tool, as it is calculated on the basis of a changing set of data sources: the number of data sources and countries included in the index changed; new surveys appeared, and some studies were discontinued. Moreover, changes were made to the methodology for calculating the Corruption Perception Index. Therefore, the only reliable way to compare is to compare data for a specific state from the same specific source over a certain period of time.


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How to Cite
Hrebeniuk, B. (2021). CORRUPTION PERCEPTION INDEX. Litopys Volyni, (23), 123-127.
Public administration