The study analyzes the historical aspects of European integration processes in regional practice and the results of transformations of the structure, content of regional and local authorities, which is aimed at sustainable socioeconomic development of the territory and meeting human needs. Key issues of historical development of state regional policy, overcoming the consequences of authoritarian methods of governance and building democratic foundations and mechanisms for effective cooperation of regional bodies of state power and local self-government, public institutions, residents of villages and towns. The historical aspects of the administrative-territorial system formation are actualized, which are aimed at providing resources for the activities of socio-cultural objects of the territory and strategies for their development and transformation. The outlined processes take place in the context of building public administration in accordance with the ideology of the European community. Democratization and decentralization are aimed at redistributing power “from the center to the region”, developing democratic foundations in the territories, forming responsible regional governance, restoring public confidence in government and involving people in community governance. The structural and functional model of the public administration system at the regional level was normatively established by the Constitution of Ukraine, which was adopted on June 28, 1996 and remains in force today. The study examines the historical processes of building public authorities in the region and local government, the processes of forming effective cooperation between government and public assets of the territory. A strategy of building partnerships is targeted at building a successful territory and effectively solving critical problems of socioeconomic development of the region. Modern regional practices confirm the urgency of building new strategies for the development of the territory, the presence of active, professional and system-forming subjects of public organizational activity. Democratization of regional government is outlined through public discussion of the situation in the community and examination of social problems, open procedures for consideration and adoption of public decisions, internal and external budgeting of the region’s infrastructure.
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