The article is a comparative analysis of the emancipatory values of Ukrainians with the value orientations of Europeans in 2020. The criterion for comparison is the idea of the importance of certain characteristics of democracy. It is established that Ukrainians’ assessment of the democratic political system, positive attitude towards equality of women’s and men’s rights and election of political leaders in free elections in Ukraine are quite high, but still remain among the lowest among all European Union countries selected for comparison. It is determined that the level of awareness of the importance of protection of civil rights in Ukraine is in the middle of the list of EU countries included in the comparison. It was found that the share of Ukrainians who believe that respect for human rights is an important component of democracy is much lower than in most European Union countries. It is established that the segment of materialists in Ukraine is one of the largest among the European Union countries. It is determined that the segment of postmaterialists in our country is one of the smallest among the countries of the European Union. The values of our compatriots have changed since 2011. It has been found that the need to obey rulers, transfer power to the army, interpret the laws of religious leaders, and respect human rights in a democracy has become much more popular. At the same time, there is a significant increase in understanding of the need to respect human rights in a democracy. It is determined that the preservation and strengthening of democracy are directly related to the change in the type of political culture. The formation of democracy is associated with constant work with the value orientations of the people, which are deeply rooted in his subconscious.
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