The article examines the content of the creative heritage of Melnyk activists during the early 1950s – late 1960s (Z. Knysha (member of the OUN (m), held various positions in the OUN)), D. Andrievsky (member of the OUN (m)), O. Boydunik (member of PUN (m)), J. Gaivas (member of OUN (m)). The study showed that their vision of the foundations of the Ukrainian revolution and subsequent state formation is moderate, liberal, conservative and constructive. It is proved that in their historical, political, geopolitical works these authors raise important issues of development of the Ukrainian liberation movement, demonstrate the urgent need for early creation of program principles of development of independent, sovereign, united Ukraine. It is determined that their approaches are critical, rational, they objectively assess the important shortcoming of the Ukrainian liberation movement due to the lack of unity in the implementation of liberation from imperial Russian influence. It is established that the most rational approaches are presented in the works of Z. Knysh, who, in contrast to the Bandera wing of Ukrainian nationalists, who followed irrationalist approaches, assessed the participation of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the struggle against the Bolsheviks from the standpoint of expediency. It is shown that the author believed that before the real military events against the USSR it was necessary to conduct a preparatory phase of struggle, prepare the Ukrainian people for resistance and go to war with trained forces, so that Western countries take Ukraine seriously as an equal supporter in military conflict. It is revealed that in the works of D. Andrivsky an objective assessment of the international situation of the period 1955–1965 is given, the characteristics of the geopolitical picture of the world formed by the author deserve special attention. It is noted that O. Boydunyk pays great attention to overcoming internal ideological and organizational problems among Ukrainian nationalists, proves the need to improve the partnership with the West. It is proved that Gaivas paid considerable attention to the development of Ukraine's relations in the international arena. In most of these researchers, as well as in the representatives of the Bandera wing, an important place in his work is occupied by the problem of combating the manifestations of imperial Russian influence and the occupation of Ukraine. This problem remains relevant for Ukraine, as well as many countries of the former USSR in the XXI century.
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