The article analyzes the process of modernization of the Azerbaijani army on the eve of the «second Karabakh war». The general chronology of the deployment of hostilities was clarified from open media, the practice of combat use of the latest weapons and military equipment was considered, the peculiarities of armed confrontation in mountainous areas, as well as the joint use of unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery were identified. Through the analysis of the planned and gradual process of rearmament of the Azerbaijani army over the last decade, it has been proved that in modern conditions only a modernized, technologically capable army can successfully resist aggression, protect the inviolability of the state and its national interests. Based on the comparison of the indicators of military power of the warring parties, a significant advantage of Azerbaijan’s combat potential over Armenia was demonstrated. The development of forms and methods of information and psychological confrontation on the part of Azerbaijan, the implementation of vigorous destructive influence on the morale of the enemy has been studied. An assessment of the operational and professional work of the Azerbaijani mass media at all stages of hostilities is given. It has been established that a special place in the combat use of army units was occupied by the special operations forces of Azerbaijan, which in the course of the war actually became a qualitative component of both the Armed Forces and the military organization of the state. It was established that one of the main factors in Azerbaijan’s victory in the military conflict with Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh was not only the technical equipment of the army, but also a new system of organization and decision-making in the army, a completely different system of intelligence and network centric warfare.
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