For Ukrainians, religion was played an extremely important role in life. But finding itself in interwar Poland in infidel Poland, the Orthodox Church was suffered oppression and repression. The article considers the peculiarities of the process of revindication in Volyn, its causes and preconditions. This study is due to the contradictory pages of the common history of Ukraine and Poland. The situation of the Orthodox Churches in Catholic Poland was quite unstable and divergent. And the issue of church property was especially important for the Orthodox Church in Poland (PCP) in the interwar period (1921–1939). Based on the scientific, theoretical and practical significance of the problem, given the insufficient study of the topic, using unpublished sources, domestic and foreign publications of documents and materials, the aim is to investigate the repressive policy of Polish government regarding the Orthodox Church's property in Poland. Today, in the conditions of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation, the problem of research and coverage of the history of these two neighboring countries is extremely important. For a long time, researchers ignored Poland's national policy. In particular, Volyn occupied a special place in the national policy of the Second Rzeczpospolita. For a long time, Poles and Ukrainians went to dialogue and understanding. As a result, the two nations have embarked on a path of cooperation and assistance to each other. However, it is quite difficult to erase from memory all the upheavals that Ukrainians went through under the rule of the Second Rzeczpospolita. The researched problem has considerable scientific interest. For today, modern domestic and foreign researchers have published a number of works on the situation of the Orthodox Church in Poland. However, it cannot be said that this problem is sufficiently covered in historical science. The problem of revindication is awaited further research.
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