The article identifies the stages of reforming the health care system in Ukraine, which are identified by domestic scientists, as well as clarifies the areas they propose for improvement. In general, we believe that in order to implement effective methods of improving the health care system, it is necessary to determine at the state level the strategic directions of development of the research area with limiting the impact of political change. This will ensure full implementation of the strategy and avoid fragmentary reforms. The article examines the essence and importance of state regulation of the market of private medicine, as well as highlights the features of the health care system as an extremely important sector of socio-economic life in terms of socio-economic and political stability of the state. The key principles of obtaining positive results in the policy of public administration of medical institutions are analyzed. It is emphasized that with the state support of the development of the medical market and minimization of obstacles to the development of the industry, the creation of favorable conditions for financing the health care system as a whole is highly probable. A review of the main objectives of the Ukrainian state regulation medical market is described. It is proved that the realization of the human right to quality medical services determines the direction of the state policy in Ukraine on reforming the current health care system and creating an effective national model. The tasks facing the public administration in reforming the health care system are described, in turn; these tasks determine the content and form of implementation of a reform in the field of health care as a key component of social policy. It was found that changes in the strategy of public administration of private medical institutions are a necessary prerequisite for the development of a radically new potentially healthy society. Periodization of the processes of reforming the health care system of Ukraine has been carried out.
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