• Dymytrii Hrytsyshen
  • Zhanna Prokopenko
  • Zhanna Prokopenko
  • Tetiana Kochyn
  • Andrii Opanasiuk
Keywords: falsifications, economic resources, audit, audit firms, economic crimes


The article proves that the analysis of the current stage of development of auditing in the world indicates the lack of common global approaches to the regulation of auditing. It is described that each country develops its own approaches to the management of audit regulation and sets specific requirements for the activities of audit firms. It is noted that the main characteristics of modern audit are the establishment of requirements for human resources of the audit firm. It is proved that in fact today the audit report (conclusion) should confirm the quality of financial statements as a careful tool for informing users to make management decisions. It is proved that by expanding the audit procedures, in particular the use of analytical procedures, allows to speak on the audit report (conclusion) as part of the information resource. It is characterized that the information resource of economic and economic activity is a set of information contained in the financial statements and audit report (conclusion). It is proved that it is necessary to review the approaches to the audit report (conclusion) and determine its place in the structure of the information resource. It is specified that the audit report can be viewed from several positions: first, as a result of the auditor's work. In this context, it is also necessary to determine the audit opinion and the result of the implementation of the contractual relationship for the audit of financial statements; secondly, a document that contains the auditor's opinion on the financial statements of the surveyed enterprise and guarantees confidence to interested users. It is proved that it is necessary to change the approach to the audit report (conclusion) as a document confirming the reliability of financial statements, because the change in user requests leads to the fact that the audit report is also a source of information not presented in the financial statements. It is characterized that the modern audit report (conclusion) is a component of the information resource about the economic activity of the enterprise, which in general allows improving its quality characteristics and meeting the information needs of stakeholders, which leads to reduction or avoidance of information asymmetry in capital markets.


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How to Cite
Hrytsyshen, D., Prokopenko, Z., Prokopenko, Z., Kochyn, T., & Opanasiuk, A. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF AUDIT AS AN ANTI-COUNTERFEITING TOOL. Litopys Volyni, (22), 93-103.
Public administration