In the course of the research it was established that measures aimed at political capture of Ukraine by Soviet Russia were beyond the legal framework of the state relations between Russia and Ukraine. In the 1920s the relations of the RSFSR with the Ukrainian SSR are characterized by the combination of incorporative tactics by means of power expansion with an emphasis on declarative Ukraine's independence and making decisions that transformed the latter into the autonomy. That is why the relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s are the result of a complex interaction of historical, political, economic, cultural, social and psychological, geographic factors, accidents, external influences, and internal processes. The interstate relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR were based on the Bolshevik doctrine, common ideological and political tasks, the state system and the social and economic structure, organized within common basics. Independent soviet republics formally had the status of separate states in 1919 – the beginning of the 1920s even being tightly connected. The Russian Federation played the role of the centre, around which the rest of the soviet republics united. The desire for unification was determined by economic ties between them, which had been developing for a long period of time, the same political structure as well as the ideological tasks of Unitarianism, centralism, and totalitarianism of the ruling Bolshevik Party. The interstate relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR were based on the Bolshevik doctrine, common ideological and political tasks, the state system and the social and economic structure, organized within common basics. As a result of administrative and territorial transformations in the 1920s Ukraine lost large territories in the East. The purposeful policy of the Union SSR in the 1920s led to the fact that the large lands, mostly inhabited by Ukrainians, remained beyond the boundaries of Ukraine's political borders.
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