The article examines the experience of interaction between state power and the intelligentsia in the 1920s. It is proved that the formation of a new society by the Soviet government caused the scientific intelligentsia to lose its status, property, and basic means of subsistence. Several laws and regulations have been issued, organizations have been established to improve the material wealth and moral integrity of Ukrainian scientists. It has been established that the lack of Soviet authorities' attention to the problems and position of representatives of intellectual labor forced them to self-organize to protect their rights and interests. VUKSU, the Section of Researchers, the House of Scientists have become platforms for solving scientists’ problems of material standards and living conditions. By creating VUKSU, the authorities have tried to show pseudo-concern for the scientists’ support and their further involvement in the establishment of socialism. The Section of Researchers has had to cope with the issues of improving the financial situation of scientists in the regions and the organization of their activities. With the help of the analysis which was made on the example of Dnipropetrovsk Section of Researchers, it has been illustrated its organizational structure, tasks, and results of its activity. The tasks of material security and living conditions support of scientists, organization of their recreation and leisure time have been top of the agenda. It is found out that the Dnipropetrovsk Section of Researchers initiated the creation of the House of Scientists in the city. The key issue in the work of the board of the House of Scientists has become the concern for the transformation of the institution into the center of scientific life in the region. Over time, owing to the VUKSU, the Section of Researchers, and the House of Scientists, the Soviet government have tried to implement “ideological rehabilitation” of scientists and contribute to their “Sovietization”. Due to the political events of the late 1920s, the main direction of the House of Scientists activity began to change from cultural and educational to mass and political.
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