The «First Wreath» and the «Native Word» are the pearls of Ukraine's national revival

  • Natalia Pushkar
Keywords: Lesya Ukrainka, Olena Pchilka, Olga Kobylyanska, Natalia Kobrynska, writers, postcards


One of the important elements of historical research is the study of sources. Forest philocardia is a separate archaeographic material available to modern scientists. In Ukraine, a rather powerful layer of documentary leaflets has been preserved, which by means of photoreproduction have recorded and preserved for future generations not only local landscapes and historical appearance of architectural structures, urban landscapes, but also characteristics of sociocultural phenomenon and interpersonal communication. Beginning in the 1890s, the postcard became an important element of the urban subculture. This article is about two postcards from the funds of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore, on which portraits of Olena Pchilka (1849-1930) and Natalia Kobrynska (1855-1920) - on one, on the other - Lesya Ukrainka (1871-1913) with Olga Kobylyanska (1863-1942). ). Placing two or even three portrait images in the frame of exquisite vignettes in the Art Nouveau style on one spatial plane is typical for this series, interesting and informative. It allowed the publisher, who came from a dynasty of famous printers and booksellers, to acquaint the general public with a large number of well-known and little-known workers in the field of the native language. Among the women writers in this series, in addition to those already mentioned, are portraits of Anna Barvinok and Mark Vovchko; Ulyana Kravchenko and Klymentyna Popovych; Mykhailyna Roshkevych, Maria Zahirna and Yevhenia Yaroshynska; Anna Pavlyk, Olesya from Bazhansky Ozarkevych and Olga from Roshkevych Ozarkevych. In the joint photo of Olga Kobylyanska and Lesya Ukrainka (1901), they are both well-known writers, in the prime of their creative powers and talents. This was the first postcard with portraits of sincere friends that came out of their lives. It, like others, has a history. These leaflets provided an opportunity to connect the lives and activities of many famous figures at the time and, in particular, famous women writers. The need for a detailed study of this type of sources is stated.


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How to Cite
Pushkar, N. (2019). The «First Wreath» and the «Native Word» are the pearls of Ukraine’s national revival. Litopys Volyni, (20), 87-91.