Congress of monarchs in Lutsk in the history and culture of European medieval civilization
In 2019, the city of Lutsk celebrate the 590th anniversary of the European Monarchs Congress Obviously, there will be many foreign guests. An organizing committee has been set up to celebrate the holiday. It is worth noting that this historical event is reflected in art. In particular, in painting, which is available to authors and which shows that the combination of history and art brings any historical event not only to the level of perception and political assessments, but also to the level of cultural and civilizational. The article presents Vytautas, Jagiello, Sigismund and some other participants of the meeting in portrait images. It is worth noting that the article presents three paintings that tell about the arrival of guests to the Lutsk castle of A. Orlyonov, about the actual congress of J. Matskevicius, and the lobby during the break of A. Serebryakov. The event is also reflected in philately. There are stamps of different colors and 2 denominations, which were issued in Lithuania in 1932. In addition, conference materials dedicated to this event were published in Lutsk, and a play by Viktor Grebenyuk was even published. The medieval era of that time was recreated by researchers of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore. Portraits, clothes, weapons and other artifacts are in this interesting publication. An event of historical time - the Congress of Monarchs in Lutsk in 1429 is significant for the city and is important for all Ukrainian history, which was already European at that time. It shows that the city and the region occupied a prominent place in the geopolitics of European importance. In particular, the city of Lutsk for a short time became an important political center, which was to resolve not only the claims of the princely authorities, but also the issue of the Turkish threat, the spread of Vatican influence, and so on. The total number of guests of the Lutsk Congress reached 15 thousand people, which exceeded the entire then population of the city 3 times. They were in Lutsk from January 9 to 29 and represented 15 states. It was in Lutsk in 1429 that European diplomacy was born, and the city received international recognition from important centers of Europe. Due to this, the city has many different objects that can be used in sightseeing and tourist activities and be of interest to tourists from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, the Vatican and other countries.
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