Keywords: «Prosvita», Volyn, church, Ukrainization, Poland


The study analyzes the role of the Lutsk organizations «Prosvita» in the process of Ukrainization of the Orthodox Church in Volyn Voivodeship. Lutsk district "Prosvita" in the interwar period was an important factor in the social, political and spiritual life of Ukrainian society in Volhynia, whose territory became the main arena of church and public movement for the Ukrainization and autonomy of the Orthodox Church. The Polonization of the Orthodox Church on Ukrainian lands in Poland pushed Ukrainian activists and Orthodox believers to fight for the Ukrainianization of the church in Volhynia. One of the brightest pages of the struggle for self-determination of the nation was the activity of the «Prosvita» connected with the holding of the church congress in 1927. However, against the background of a fairly well-studied general issues of «Prosvita», there are still many unresolved issues, primarily of a religious nature. These include the role and importance of society in the process of Ukrainization of the Orthodox Church. The relevance of the chosen topic is also determined by the fact that the study of forms and methods of educational work, achievements and failures in the social activities of society has a certain practical significance. The experience gained can be used in the process of building an independent Ukrainian state and improving the activities of modern public educational organizations. The purpose of the article is to assess the historical significance of the Lutsk Society «Prosvita» in the process of Ukrainization of the Orthodox Church in 1920-1930. The methodological basis is a comparative-historical approach, which provides a set of cognitive tools, procedures that can identify similarities and differences between the phenomena studied. The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive analysis of the historical environment in Volyn in terms of the formation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as part of the ІІ Rzeczpospolita.


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How to Cite
Filipovych, M. (2022). THE ROLE OF LUTSK «PROSVITA» IN THE UKRAINIZATION OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN 1920–1930. Litopys Volyni, (26), 65-70.
History of Volyn